Do you need a sofa for your man-cave? I have available for a limited time, a perfect sofa for a man-cave. In fact, I would use it for mine if I had one, but I only have a man living room.
This loveseat is perfect, yes its a loveseat. It looks great, and it's only been used for a couple of years. The problem is, I've been the one sitting on it and I'm 6'3" 325.
So, it looks perfect, and functions great. But when I sit in it, its starting to feel like it's been shot at with an AK47 then thrown out of a train along the side of the road and then reappolstered, just kidding. I do, though, feel like if I keep it for another 6 months I will go to sit on it one day and it will just fall apart.
So, anyway it's only available for a few days otherwise my wife is going to post it on Craigslist. So if you want it for a "man-cave" then hit me up.